What is OEM Grade Remanufactured Cartridges ?
- Re-manufactured cartridges are sent to some manufacturer who will restock the ink and replace any parts that are damaged .Quality test is performed on each cartridge and its a proven alternative to OEM (Genuine cartridges).This is Environmental Friendly as it is using recycled products and good for environment.
- Error rate : 0.1% - 0.3% Quality : Similar to OEM (Genuine)
- Your savings can be up to 20-30% compare to OEM (Genuine Cartridges)
- OEM Grade Products we sell are Re-manufactured by Clover Imaging Group & IPW Please click link below this image to learn more about Clover & IPW. Their products are 100% proven alternative to OEM (Genuine cartridges)
These companies play very close attention to while re-manufacturing cartridges and they print 20-50 pages from evert toner they re-manufacture to make sure the quality is delivered uncompromisingly and their toners are proven alternative to OEM.
Please click below to watch video on how these companies make cartridges with exceptional quality perfomance , everytime guaranteed!! The link will take you to different but secure website.
Let's Learn the difference between OEM , OEM Grade (Re-Manufactured) & Compatible cartridges.
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